Soccer Aid isn't just another football match. It's your chance to help change children's lives.

Two-year-old Sylverine from Malawi suffers from severe malnutrition. She hasn't had enough of the nutritious food that she needs to grow and develop properly. And she's not alone.

Every year, millions of children die from malnutrition and preventable diseases. Yet we live in a world with enough food and where most life-saving vaccines cost pennies.

By donating to Soccer Aid, you can help save the lives of children all around the world by providing life-saving food, medicine and clean water.

In 2012, Unicef was able to treat more than a million malnourished children in West Africa with life-saving food, thanks to Soccer Aid supporters like you.

How you can help

Donate to Soccer Aid

£5 could provide 75 children with safe drinking water for a month.

£25 could protect 93 children against deadly polio.

£50 could provide enough mosquito nets to protect 13 families from malaria, which kills a child in Africa every 30 seconds.

£100 could provide 238 packets of high energy biscuits to give children the nutrients they need in an emergency.

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